Thursday, September 29, 2011

Sunday, July 3, 2011


The devil jumps in me
every time I take a drink
The warm/slick glaze fills me
my heart begins to think.
She knew she was brilliant from the day she could know.
She knew she was different when she hated her bow.
Suicide sits and stares in my face
And gloats and acts as he owns the whole place
Bottomless holes that used to hold eyes
Are rimmed with hope that's wrinkled with lies
He rocks in his chair and leans closer to mine
And breathes through chapped lips
"My sleep is divine."
My love is like a kneeling tree
That bends at bark and not at knee
It sends a lark for all to see
That flies and acts as if its free
Yet always, it returns to me.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

April 27, Tweet Length- A Light Switch

Light Switch
You are so difficult to turn off
for an insomniac
like me.

Embarrassing the Roommate
As you turn on
We turn off.

Who would think that the merest flip
could give you to me?

Light Switch
You tease me with sparks and flashes of light
when you short circuit.

April 26, Character Sketch- Silhouettes

"It was difficult to tell if it was a he or a she--that is usually your first question, is it not?-- But I would go with male because of the nose. It was strong, firm and prominent. Just as a nose should be. For a person of consequence that is. And I don't mean money or power but consequence of, what could you say-- being. It's true it was just a glimpse from behind one of those silk Chinese screens but that was all I needed. Observationary, that's me. One of the best. I can pick a ripe cantaloupe from sight alone, just like I can spot someone who matters from a shadow of a profile. Never need to even feel them for soft spots, I don't."
"Please, 'mam, although it is indeed a rare talent in the so incomprehensible sphere of deceitful and disguised rotten fruits, could you please return to the subject at hand?"
"No need to get testy young man. I was pickin' those "incomprehensible" cantaloupes before you were born!  Anyway, back to that stark profile from behind the screen. It must have been a man, but then again, some women do wear their hair short like this one's was, kinda cropped like a mushroom you know. I think they actually called it a mushroom cut once...And the frame was rather slight. Reminded me of one of the string beans that struck my eye so strategically earlier this week. There it was, slight and long, full of slightly bulging beans and greener than a hill in Ireland in spring it was! And boy did it want to be picked."
"Ehem, is it going to be vegetables now, then?"
"Well if you want an accurate description then yes, indeed it is! These things take time and when you're lucky, an experienced eye to get to the truth! You know, now that the string bean came to mind, I would say that wiry is the best word to describe the build. Wiry and oily. Oily like that top layer that congeals on the top of peanut butter, he was. And no need to comment on the change to sandwich spreads! If you want to know, then you're gonna have to listen. And in order to get the best description you'll have to take it as I like to tell it."
"Yes 'mam. So we've discerned that the silhouette that you saw from behind a Chinese screen was somehow like a wiry, oily, string bean, cantaloupe with a mushroom on its head? No?"
"No, you idiot! I can spot em like a ripe cantaloupe! Don't you dare put in your write up or whatever it is that he was anything like a cantaloupe. Because he, or she for that matter, wasn't."