You know they caught you the other day
I know, I know
But it wasn't as if it was the first time
Too true, too true
I've really gotta find
a way to close my mind
At least when others are around.
Well, they were only crows after all...
Ahh but crows are still judging I gather
from their bright eyes
And sordid beaks!
They'd laugh if they didn't cackle,
They'd raise their rounded heads and throw em back
and laugh
If they could.
But why would their mocking matter?
I guess you're right.
But if you remember,
When I was scolding myself for their very presence
That's when the trouble really started
That's when someone who could understand understood.
But is that really trouble?
A little judgement here and there never really hurt anyone
Ha! Listen to yourself.
Well, either way, they all do it anyway.
Or at least they should?
Shouldn't they?
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