Saturday, April 2, 2011

April 2, Hip Hopera- Dog Earred Pages

Dog Earrin' Again

You know pages often tell me
And less than often sell me
Yet every now an' again
There's somethin strikin in 'em
That needs to be remembered
dissected and dismembered
To help uncover meaning
hidden in the reading.

That's when I pull out tactics
to file all didactics
or imagery and synergy
or metaphorical "symbology"
that all serve the very purpose
to bring what's hidden to the surface
and illuminate that meaning
so deftly hidden in the reading.

These tactics that I mention
Do often have the penchant
To ruin a book's appearance
and create some incoherence
in the harmony of the pages
yet the most profound of sages
would adhere to my belief
that it brings the book no grief
In fact it shows that it is used
Not neglected or abused.

So bend those pages!
Mend those rages!
Pick up a book and end those cages!
There's more to life than movies
and alcohol and smoothies
There's Dickens, Austen and Proust
That no T.V. will ever oust
And the best way to arear
is to pick a page to dog ear!

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